Bracknell Air Cadets are in a Swim!

A team of Bracknell Air Cadets have shown that history repeats itself by winning the Thames Valley Swimming Championships for a 3rd time.

The competition saw almost 150 Air Cadets from 20 Air Cadet Squadrons from right across Berkshire and Oxfordshire compete for silver wear and medals at Cowley Temple Pool in Oxford. The team of Bracknell team looked very strong for the very start and ended up in top three in all of the categories assuring them of their win.

Presenting the trophies to the jubilant  team Squadron Leader Chris Beardsley thanked all of the Squadrons who took part, praised the staff team for a flawless competition and congratulated the cadets who had won trophies.

Team Captain cadet Flight Sergeant Ramin Irvanipour, 19, said “winning for the third time row was a hard fight and the cadets put up a good effort despite the pressure on us to do well”.

The leader of Bracknell Air Cadets, Flight Lieutenant Paul Beardwood was over the moon “I am really pleased on our record victory – the cadets worked hard and got a big reward for it!”



  1. 2410 (Didcot) Squadron – 34 pts
  2. 1861 (Wantage) Squadron – 26 pts
  3. 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron – 22 pts


  1. 2499 (Wokingham) Squadron – 27 Pts
  2. 1861 (Wantage) Squadron – 24 Pts
  3. 1116 Woodley) Squadron & 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron – 20 Pts

Overall Boys:

  1. 1861 (Wantage) Squadron & 2410 (Didcot) Squadron – 50 Pts
  2. 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron – 41 Pts


  1. 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron – 27 Pts
  2. 447 (Henley-On-Thames) Squadron & 2499 Wokingham Squadron – 19 Pts


  1. 2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron – 24 Pts
  2. 1116 (Woodley) Squadron & 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron

Overall Girls:

  1. 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron – 50 Pts
  2. 2499 (Wokingham) Squadron – 36 Pts
  3. 2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron – 33 Pts

Overall Combined:

  1. 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron – 91 Pts
  2. 2499 (Wokingham) Squadron – 70 Pts
  3. 2410 (Didcot) Squadron – 57 Pts