Thames Valley Wing Headquarters holds a monthly Staff Induction Evening on the last Thursday of each month, other than August and December. The Staff Induction Briefing is for new potential adult volunteers to meet Thames Valley Wing and to meet other perspective volunteers and receive a presentation from our Wing Commander, then meet one to one with one of our cadet forces commissioned officers to chat through opportunities for uniformed and subject matter expert roles as well as working with cadets on a squadron.
Venue – HQ Thames Valley Wing
Edward Brooks Barracks
Cholswell Road
OX13 6HW
Date – On the last Thursday of each month
Time – 7.30pm
Dress – Smart casual
To book a place on a Staff Induction Briefing either contact us via our contact page or visit your local air cadet squadron. Please note our Headquarters is based within an Army Reserve Centre and visitors are only received by appointment.