All posts by Mark Gray

Behind the Scenes at RAF Brize Norton

2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron were recently given the opportunity to visit some of the sections on a normal working day to see all elements that sit behind running a busy RAF station.

During school half-term local cadets from 2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron ATC were taken around a variety of sections on station to see what they do and how it affects the role of the RAF. Continue reading

East Meets West To Get On Target

East & West Sectors of Thames Valley Wing have been training together at Bramley Training Area in Hampshire to undertake a variety of  “Are You On Target?” activities.  Cadets travelled from across Berkshire to the local ACF Weekend Training Centre to boost their skills and to work with staff and cadets from another Sector and other Squadrons.

Based at the Berkshire ACF Weekend Training Centre almost 40 cadets and 12 staff have provided training in Heartstart, Fieldcraft Introduction, Fieldcraft Development, Fieldcraft Leadership, No 8 Rifle Training, NNAS Navigation Training, Camps and a development package for potential Cadet NCO’s. Continue reading

1116 Support Local RAFA

With a long standing relationship between the ATC and RAFA (Royal Air Force Association) many squadrons across the year take part in events to raise money for the RAFA Wings Appeal. 1116 (Woodley) Squadron recently raised £500 for their local branch and the top two cadets were awarded prizes for their efforts in supporting the Wings appeal . The 2 cadets were awarded the prizes by 2 members of the local RAFA branch who visited the squadron to pass on their thanks to the cadets for their efforts. Continue reading

ATC Sunday Celebrations

Every year in February cadets and staff celebrate the formation of the Air Training Corps with church services and parades known as ATC Sunday. This allows squadrons to parade through their local towns and villages and show the ATC presence in their local communities. This year 1116 (Woodley) and 2499 (Wokingham) Squadrons celebrated in a different means by taking part in a day full of the core sports within the ATC. Cadets took part in football, netball and hockey to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the ATC.

Did your squadron celebrate ATC Sunday? Send your stories to to be featured.

Annual Wing Training Day

Each January staff and staff cadets from across the wing gather at RAF Halton to attend the annual Wing Training Day. This provides the opportunity to find out the latest changes on subjects such as the ‘Duke of Edinburgh’s Award’ and syllabus training. Staff also reflect back on the previous year and look ahead to ensure that the cadet experience is been delivered to the best of the ability of squadrons and wing staff within Thames Valley. This year’s training day saw a visit by Gp Capt Cole from RAF Brize Norton who provided an insight into the RAF as it currently stands and updates on RAF Brize Norton with the introduction of the Voyager fleet and upcoming arrival of the Atlas fleet. Continue reading

Successfully Providing Lifesaving Skills

Staff development within Thames Valley Wing is co-ordinated and delivered by the ‘Training and Development Team’ which has recently been expanded which some new staff members. Leading the team Sdn Ldr Johnson is OC TDSU (Training Development and Support Unit) who ensures that cadets and staff are offered all the correct training including but not limited to Instructor Cadet Courses, Cadet Youth 1st Aid and Staff Cadet Courses for those cadets turning 18 years old. Continue reading

52 Years and Counting for David!

Flight Lieutenant David Middleton, 65, from 459 (Windsor) Squadron has just reached a unique milestone after receiving his fifth bar to his Cadet Forces Medal marking 52 years of cadet and adult service to the Air Training Corps.

When, in 1962,  he started his time in light blue uniform as a cadet the venerable Mosquito was about to be retired from RAF service and The Beatles were about to recruit Ringo to their ranks. In the intervening years his life has been one of service not only to the Air Cadets but also in his career with the Royal Household. Continue reading

Lifetime Flight in an RAF Hawk

Cdt FS Osasona from 2477 (Britwell) squadron attended RAF Valley in January to experience a once in a life time opportunity to have a flight in a hawk aircraft. She attended Easter Camp last year and was awarded Best NCO to which she was award the opportunity to fly in the Hawk and has told us how the day went.

“First of all, I’d like to say that this opportunity was the best of my life. I was in Southampton on Wednesday 8th January when I got the call that I was expected to report to RAF Valley Anglesey the very next day. I was panicking a little about transport arrangements, but thankfully Sqn Ldr Beardsley took an entire day out of his holiday to get a member of wing staff to give up a day to take me up there. Continue reading

Hanging around at Craggy Island

2402 Burghfield Squadron organised a session climbing with local Squadrons at Craggy Island in Guilford. 12 Cadets and 7 Staff members from Burghfield, Woodley, Newbury, Wokingham, Wallingford and Windsor Squadrons attended the session.

The morning started at 1116 Woodley Sqn with a kit issue, brief on how to put on a climbing harness, helmet how to tie into the rope and belaying techniques. Continue reading

While Shepard’s watched their flocks by night…

On Saturday 14th December, as festivities across Witney continue in the build-up for Christmas, 16 cadets and 3 staff from the Squadron participated in carol singing at their local branch of Sainsbury’s.  As shoppers went down the aisles collecting festive treats they were treated to a range of carols performed by the cadets.  It also provided the squadron with the opportunity to raise funds for future needs and also importantly to raise the units profile within the local community. Continue reading