Every year across the country 41,00 cadets, aged 12-19, develop practical life skills through the Air Cadets. None of this would be possible without the volunteers who join our squadron civilian committees and make it possible to run these amazing activities that help air cadets achieve their dreams.
This civilian structure provides a pillar of trustees and acts as the backbone of the organisation. It has an important role to try and raise funds to help keep air cadet membership subscriptions incredibly low and to enable us to organise residential activities, and other adventurous pursuits. It is also a great way to find out what is happening at your local squadron.
Squadron Civilian Committees:
- Meet approximately once a quarter
- Help determine the running of the organisation from squadron level through to representation on the Air Defence Council.
- Are essential for each squadron to run efficiently
- Are made up of parents and others with an interest in Air Cadets
- Assist the squadron’s Commanding Officer, raise funds and help ensure the squadron maintains direction.
- Help in the running of some events
Getting involved
Being a civilian committee member is not an onerous task, but it is a very important one – a squadron cannot run without a civilian committee
You do not need any specialist skills or qualifications; you just need to be a willing volunteer who cares enough to give a few hours a month or every few months to help our air cadets.
How to become a member of the Squadron Civilian Committee:
Come along to a meeting and see how it’s run or just get in touch with our Wing HQ or your local ‘CivCom’ Chairman to find out what it’s about and how you can get involved. You can do this using the form below.
We welcome assistance on a short-term, long-term or one-off basis and if you are interested, we would love to hear from you!