As part of the wings drive to create a wing band and support squadrons own band the wing bandmaster has been visiting squadrons to help develop cadet’s skills and knowledge in the music field. There are a number of camps across the year for cadet and staff musicians such as the national concert band camp which Cpl Natasha Gavin, 211 Sqn and Cdt Benedict Goodall, 150 Sqn recently attended. The camp was to rehearse for a charity concert at St Clements Danes in London on the 1st November in aid of the RAF Benevolent Fund. The concert was attended by Viscount Trenchard, chairman of the RAF Benevolent Fund, and Wing Commander Duncan Stubbs, Principle Director of Music for the Royal Air Force.
The band played pieces from Star Trek, Star Wars and the James Bond soundtrack, Skyfall. They also played the new Air Cadet march piece, composed by Wing Commander Stubbs, who also visited during the week and took the opportunity to instruct and coach them for his own piece