Brunswick Adventure Training Camp 2010 had the almighty task of following many successful years at Browndown Training Camp and after a strenuous and exhausting eleven days, it is evident that the year’s work of preparation has delivered a camp that cadets and staff alike will remember for a very, very long time. Thames Valley Wing, Middlesex Wing and Dorset and Wiltshire Wing combined to produce 269 cadets along with 49 members of staff. We also had the pleasure of hosting 29 Canadian Air Cadets and staff from 62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron.
The cadets were split into 18 flights, each consisting of approximately 12 cadets of all ages, ranks and genders. As the first couple of days passed, the ice breakers were over and everyone felt part of the camp. “At first I didn’t really know anyone, but after the first few days I made some really good friends. I will definitely keep in touch with them after the camp. By the end of the week I found it hard saying goodbye to everyone I knew in time” (CDT Culross, 2211 Bracknell Sqn). The events taken part included:
Cadets enjoyed the experience of the largest Assault course of any training camp in the UK. Mornings would begin with room inspections. The highlight for many of the cadets, especially our Canadian guests, was the day trip to Thorpe Park where the cadets enjoyed spending some time off base whilst going on rollercoasters for the whole day. Opportunities to achieve squadron and wing marksmans as well as swimming proficiencies were open to every cadet – over 115 of these were awarded.
Camp Cadet Warrant Officer, CWO Reuben, said, “Coming from a small Squadron, I was able to see my cadets grow in confidence and ability. This is something that annual camps cannot do to such a degree. I have been to many camps in my cadet life, and this one tops them all, without a doubt. Even as a senior cadet, I have learnt a lot over the past 11 days. It was absolutely fabulous!”
On the final complete day of the camp, what must have been one of the largest final parades of any camp took place. Cadets were congratulated on their efforts and special awards were given out. One highlight was a certificate awarded to the Camp Commandant, Squadron Leader Nick Foy, for his efforts in completing the assault course. Cadets enjoyed their own disco in the hall on the final night and managed to see staff dancing on top form in their own little display. All the staff were satisfied that the hard work finally paid off, while the cadets were left looking forward to a well-earned weeks’ worth of sleep! It was a fantastic end to a fantastic camp and is a tribute to what a cadet camp should be like. Here’s to next year…
Flt Sgt Irvanipour
2211 (Bracknell) Squadron