Current Thames Valley Wing staff and a number of senior cadets have attended a one day training course in order to update them on the very latest Corps policies and guidelines.
Held at the Wing Headquarters building in Abingdon, the BASIC course aimed to ensure that newly appointed staff and a number of existing personnel who were approaching their extension of service date were brought up to date on matters such as duty of care, the legal responsibilities of staff and updates on the current and future organisation of both the RAF and the ATC.
The training was extended to also cover a number of senior cadets whose legal status changed once they reached 18 years of age and included a number of additional elements such as their new administration responsibilities and the development opportunities that have opened up to them.
Speaking after the course, Squadron Leader Mark Trevena who is Area Commander of the Central Area said “this was a valuable day for me since it brought together all the very latest elements of Corps thinking into one package. I am now well placed to cascade this information to all my staff and to ensure that we operate with the very latest policies in mind”
Squadron Commanders are reminded that Officer and SNCO attendance on a Staff BASIC refresher course is compulsory prior to extension of service if those individuals have not undertaken an OIC, OSC, SSIC or ABA within the last 5 years. For newly appointed CIs, the next BASIC Adult Staff Induction Course is planned for the 14th to 16th January 2011.