The Thames Valley Wing media team have walked away with 3 prestigious trophies awarded annually by HQ Air Cadets. They were presented by Group Captain Mike Remlinger, South West Regional Commandant at a recent media symposium held at Blandford Camp – home of the Royal Signals.
Best Media Team– this is the 2nd year in a row this has come to the Wing!
Best Website– this is the 2nd time in 3 years the Wing has won this award!
Best News Broadcast– for a series of broadcasts and podcasts across the AC70 celebration year
The Wing was also nominated in several other categories including in the Best Campaign category for the Volunteer Induction Programme for new staff volunteers
Wing Media Officer, Squadron Leader Mark Trevena, was over the moon “to win three awards has been just amazing but to win 2 of the trophies for the 2nd time in quick succession shows that we have a strong media focus right across the Wing. I would like to thanks all of the cadets and staff for feeding us the stories and for the rest of the media team for being such a huge support”.