Welcome to Thames Valley Wing

We hope you enjoy looking through all of the activities on offer to aviation and aerospace inspired young people throughout Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
We are sure that you will be interested in joining our team whether it is as a cadet or as an adult volunteer.
Please feel free to browse the site and contact us if you require any further information.
CWO Lauren Rynsburger has completed the Junior Leaders Course which is arguably the most arduous and most challenging course offered across any of the cadet forces. Over a 7-month period, students are trained in conducting reconnaissance patrols, offensive fighting patrols, civilian handling, fighting in built up areas and other military skills. Continue reading →
Cadets and staff have recently undertaken two fieldcraft weekends with almost 90 cadets and staff being trained.
The first weekend focused on cadet fieldcraft skills with some of the cadets even sleeping under the stars in bivouacs with none of their normal luxuries. That alone is tough enough but to then add two days of intense and relentless training makes their achievement all the more significant. Continue reading →
136, 1460, 155, 1861, 1996, 2120, 2121, 2210, 2267, 2402, 2403, 2507, 459, 594, 966
Cadet Warrant Officer Lauren Rysnburger, of 150 (City of Oxford) has been judged the best female cadet in the Air Training Corps. Lauren was amonsgt a number of high flying RAF air cadets and volunteers were honoured today at the national awards ceremony held at the home of the RAF – RAF College Cranwell. Continue reading →
The Royal Air Force Walking and Road Marching Association (RAFWARMA) aim is to promote the sport of walking of all types. Within this, RAFWARMA organise a 2-day march every year. This is a 50 mile route around Cosford and its surrounding area. The Wing team train on a weekly basis (beginning in January). RAFWARMA is the qualifying route for the Nijmegen March a 100 mile march over four days in the Netherlands. Continue reading →
Thames Valley musicians have joined forces with other cadets from across the South-West to celebrate RAF100 in style at a London Irish rugby game held at Reading’s Madejski Stadium. Continue reading →
Woodley Air cadets have been crowned Athletics champs after an action packed day of competitions Abingdon’s Tilsley Park stadium. In taking the win they narrowly beat Slough and Britwell units from a field of almost 200 cadets from 14 Squadrons from right across Berkshire and Oxfordshire. The winners in each of the competitions will now go forward to represent Thames Valley Wing at the South West Region championships. Continue reading →
1116, 1460, 153, 155, 1861, 1996, 2210, 2211, 2402, 2477, 2507
Thames Valley Wing played a lead role when over 700 RAF Air Cadets and Adult Volunteers from across the South West Region proudly celebrated RAF100 with an unprecedented parade through the streets of Windsor. With the iconic Windsor Castle in the background, the parade drew hundreds of people onto the streets to watch as a sea of light blue took over the Royal Berkshire town for the day. Continue reading →
1116, 1315, 136, 1460, 150, 153, 155, 1861, 1996, 211, 2120, 2121, 2210, 2211, 2267, 2402, 2403, 2410, 2477, 2499, 2507, 381, 459, 594, 966
Cadets and staff from 459 (Windsor) Squadron have welcomed the RAF100 baton relay to the RAF’s spiritual home at Runnymede.
Having run the baton 18 miles from Aldershot, RAF Flight Sergeant Jay Ferguson led the runners into the memorial. He said: “The baton is visiting 100 key RAF locations and many more with significance to the RAF over 100 day. We brought the baton to Runnymede as part of the baton relay, for the significance of the site and to commemorate those who went before us and made the ultimate sacrifice for us to be here today. .” Continue reading →
Exercise Falcon II was a progressive training weekend held recently at Crowborough Training Camp and was attended by 40 cadets and 14 instructors from 1996 (Earley) Squadron, 459 (Windsor) Squadron, 447 (Henley on Thames) Squadron, 155 (Maidenhead) Squadron, 2402 (Burghfield) Squadron, and 1116 (Woodley) Squadron. This skills camp saw the cadets and staff take part in a range of core activities including Shooting, Fieldcraft, Map Reading & Navigation, Radio skills, and Leadership. Continue reading →
The 2017 Wing Awards evening held at RAF Benson has recognised the service and dedication of cadets, instructors, Senior NCO’s, Officers and Civilian Committee members from right across Oxfordshire and Berkshire. This year the awards were presented by Group Captain Eddie Cole, Regional Commandant (South West). Continue reading →