Welcome to Thames Valley Wing

What did you do last weekend

We hope you enjoy looking through all of the activities on offer to aviation and aerospace inspired young people throughout Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

We are sure that you will be interested in joining our team whether it is as a cadet or as an adult volunteer.

Please feel free to browse the site and contact us if you require any further information.

ATC Sunday – Central Sector

Cadets and Staff from 2410 (Didcot) and 966 (Wallingford) Squadrons recognised the 75th anniversary year of the formation of the Air Training Corps this ATC Sunday by visiting the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeovilton.

23 Cadets and four Staff in total enjoyed a full day looking around the attractions including the historic story of  Naval aviation, the developments in Naval aviation in WW2, a simulated carrier experience and Concorde 002, a prototype test bed which lead to the only commercial jet airliner, amongst some of other trial aircraft. Continue reading

Wing Bowling 2015

On Sunday,  29 November 127 cadets and 22 staff arrived at RAF Brize Norton to take part in the annual Wing Ten Pin bowling competition.

With teams on the start line ready to roll Squadrons had the opportunity to enter two teams and also compete for the top male and female spot. As cadets took it turn to line up ready for their strikes perhaps more balls entered the gutters than made it to the centre pin! Continue reading

Thames Valley Wing Awards

Commandant’s Air Cadets Commendations of Meritorious Service were given out at this years Thrive Awards, below are the recipients and their citations.


Flying Officer Alex Pye from 211 (Newbury) Squadron has been a member of the Corps serving as a both a Cadet and as a member of staff at 211 (Newbury) Squadron.

A long term supporter and key member of the Squadron he has undertaken all of the duties asked of him with style and is seen as a corner stone of excellence. He is  also leading light in bringing archery activities –  first to Newbury Squadron through careful negotiation of grant packages – before being an evangelist for the activity Wing-side. Continue reading

Kirkcudbright Report

With an early start and a long journey, 12 cadets and 6 staff from the Thames Valley region set off for Scotland. Along the way there was a short but worthwhile stop to The Devils Porridge Museum, where the cadets were educated on the women who made the explosive ammunition for the war effort. The dressing up facilities probably intended for a much younger audience saw the cadets bonding quickly. Once we had arrived at the brilliant accommodation we were treated to a visit around 669 Sqn Army Air Corps for a look around the Lynx AH9A’s Helicopters. Continue reading

Finalists for Thrive Awards Announced

The finalists for the Thames Valley Wing Thrive Awards have now been announced. The Awards fall into the following categories and all nominations came from their peers.

Outstanding Civilian Instructor – The person who has made the most outstanding contribution over the past year.
Ambassador – The individual or team who through the virtue of hard work, character and representation have raised the profile of the ATC.
Valiant Volunteer – For consistent and extraordinary efforts in helping others, above and beyond the call of duty.
Unsung Hero – The individual whose contribution often goes unnoticed but without it their Squadron would fail to deliver the effect it achieves.
Top Team Award – awarded to the group (informal or formal) that has achieved the greatest positive impact. Continue reading

Clay target shooting

On Saturday 3rd October nine cadets from 966 (Wallingford) Sqn joined over thirty cadets and staff from other squadrons to spend the day clay target shooting. Clay target shooting in the air cadet organisation is a civilian sport. It is an excellent sport for cadets as it helps promote self-discipline, hand-eye coordination and gives the young person a great sense of achievement when they begin to master the sport. Continue reading

Wing Activities Day – Photographic Competition

Below are this years winners in the Photography Competition, which ran at Wing Activities Day on the 27th September.

Below are the 6 competitions which run

  • Class 1a: Aviation – for cadets aged 16 or under
  • Class 1b: Aviation – for cadets aged 16 or over
  • Class 1c: Aviation – for adult staff and civilian committee members
  • Class 2a: The ACO and its people – for cadets aged 16 or under
  • Class 2b: The ACO and its people – for cadets aged 16 or over
  • Class 2c: The ACO and its people – for adult staff and civilian committee members

Continue reading

RAF St Mawgan Summer Camp 2015

A report by Sgt McAleese of 2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron.

We started our journey to RAF St Mawgan on the 18th July, trekking amongst the hills and scenery of Cornwall and surrounding areas. When we arrived we were shown our rooms, and got the chance to freshen for dinner. The meals were fantastic, and although the juice looked like something nuclear; it was still tasty. Continue reading