Welcome to Thames Valley Wing

We hope you enjoy looking through all of the activities on offer to aviation and aerospace inspired young people throughout Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
We are sure that you will be interested in joining our team whether it is as a cadet or as an adult volunteer.
Please feel free to browse the site and contact us if you require any further information.
1116 Woodley Air Cadets visited the Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service at Whitley Wood Fire Station in Reading. After a brief, questions and answers and a video on various types of fire we split into 2 groups. The Cadets where kitted up in mock breathing apparatuses to simulate a smoke filled room. They had to follow a rope and manoeuvre around and under obstacles. Continue reading →
It’s been a busy time at 155 (Maidenhead) Squadron with a wide range of activities taking place and plenty more planned for 2015.
From the 8th to 15th of July, 6 cadets and two staff from 155 Sqn attended the world famous Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. Although the event is primarily 2 days, there are in excess of 800 ATC cadets and staff who live and work at the air base for a period of 8 days, assisting the RAF Charitable Trust Enterprises. Continue reading →
The 17 cadets of 966 (Wallingford) Squadron ATC who helped out at the RAF Benson 75th Anniversary celebrations were invited to the base on 21 July for a flight in a Merlin helicopter.
The evening was arranged by Sqn Ldr Ryan Morris of 28 (AC) Squadron and hosted by Sgt Stephanie Cole, a member of the squadron aircrew. Continue reading →
For the past few years cadets and staff from 1861 (Wantage) and 2410 (Didcot) squadrons have attended a D-Day memorial service at Harwell. This year saw the 70th anniversary to which the cadets were invited to provide a guard of honour for this year’s memorial service.
20 cadets and 7 staff members gather on the Saturday in glorious weather to join the local community in paying their respects to those who took part on the day. Continue reading →
CWO Chubb from 211 (Newbury) squadron recently completed the Junior Leaders courses run by HQAC and has provided an account of her experience on the course. Remember that the next Junior Leaders course is available to apply for if you meet the requirements so speak to squadron staff to get more information. Continue reading →
A party of 30 Air Cadets and Staff from Thames Valley Wing were amongst the hundreds who gathered in Reading town centre for a county-wide service to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. The multi-faith service held at Reading Minster Church heard words of peace and remembrance from religious leaders across several faiths. Continue reading →
Grants are on their way to West Oxfordshire communities to help with projects commemorating World War One.
A variety of projects are taking place after West Oxfordshire District Council invited communities to apply for funding of up to £500 to help mark the centenary of the War in 2014. Continue reading →
1116 (Woodley) Sqn have recently been busy raising funds and purchased some raft building equipment which was recently used for the first time on a Squadron run team building activity at a local lake in Woodley. Continue reading →
The High Frequency (HF) Field Day is a national ACO radio competition that take place several times per year. Whilst it is led by the Air Cadets the CCF, SCC and ACF are invited to take part.
Plt Off Jon Barker paid a visit to the competition to see how cadets from 2507 (Bicester) were doing during the event and provides some insight to the competition. Continue reading →
On Saturday, 7 June 15 cadets from 136 (Chipping Norton) Squadron took part in a sponsored walk in honour of former 136 Squadron cadet, Sam Taylor.
Starting from the small Gloucestershire village of Condicote, the cadets travelled with two adult staff members on a 22km route to Broadway Tower in Worcestershire, the second highest point in the Cotswolds. Other staff members were on hand at various checkpoints along the route to provide extra drinking water and any other help that might have been needed. Continue reading →