Welcome to Thames Valley Wing

What did you do last weekend

We hope you enjoy looking through all of the activities on offer to aviation and aerospace inspired young people throughout Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

We are sure that you will be interested in joining our team whether it is as a cadet or as an adult volunteer.

Please feel free to browse the site and contact us if you require any further information.

Cadets Enjoy Fieldcraft Weekend

On the weekend of 19th September cadets from across Central Sector attend Youlby Sector camp to take part in a fieldcraft weekend aimed at new cadets to prepare them for more advanced level fieldcraft such as the TLC (Tactical Leadership Course) run by Thames Valley Wing. Cadets from 966 (Wallingford), 1861 (Wantage), 2120 (Witney), 2121 (Abingdon), 2267 (Brize Norton) and 2410 (Didcot) had a busy weekend learning a range of skills including striking a camp, field cooking, orienteering, camouflage and concealment and field shelters. This new knowledge was then put to the test with a night exercise to combine all their new skills and team building by working with cadets who they have never met before. Continue reading

Rain, Rain – Go Away

Despite torrential rain showers, cadets from East + West Sectors have just completed another Field Craft Introduction day at Bramley Training Area. 

The day was attended by cadets from 155 (Maidenhead) Squadron, 381 (Reading) Squadron and 2211 (Bracknell) Squadron and covered the lessons that the cadets need to complete to attend the forthcoming Tactical Leadership Camp being held in November. The lessons included how to cook a ration pack, kit maintenance, hygiene and camouflage techniques. Continue reading

Wantage Committee Chair’s Brave Story

1861 (Wantage) Squadron Civilian Committee member, Louise Preece is a healthy 40-year-old mother of one but on October 1, she undertook a voluntary operation to have both her breasts removed – a decision she hopes will prevent her developing the same cancer which is slowly killing her mum.

Mrs Preece, from Grove, near Wantage, underwent a 14-hour double mastectomy at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, which surgeons hope will reduce her chances of developing cancer from 80% to just 8%. Doctors have told her they think she could share the same cancer gene with her mother. Although there is no test to prove whether she has it, a faulty gene can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Continue reading

Cadets attend JLC Selections Camp

Each year cadets are invited to attend a selection weekend to be successful in gaining a place on the Junior Leaders Course. This year 4 cadets from Thames Valley wing took part in the selection process at Bodney Camp and cadet FS J Taylor tells us what was involved during the weekend. This opportunity is offered out each year so make sure you keep an eye out and apply.

“Having heard some worrying tales about it, I had apprehensions on the four-hour train journey to Thetford and was relieved to see what I assumed was the rest of the course waiting outside the station when I arrived; at least I knew I was at the right place. Continue reading

Bicester Cadet Face the Music

Cadets from 2507 (Bicester) squadron represented Thames Valley Wing in the Percussion Section for Regional Band Competition on Saturday, 12th October at RNAS Yeovilton. The 4 cadets achieved 2nd place in the regional competition and showed excellent skills during their performance. Cpl Warmington from the Royal Marines commented that the Thames Valley band was “an excellent display and very well done to the team”. Continue reading

South West Success for Woodley and Abingdon

The Regional Activities Day held at QinetiQ Boscombe Down saw success for both Woodley and Abingdon Squadron against teams from across the South West.  The trophies were presented by Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty, Commandant Air Cadets.

Woodley convincingly won the Drill competition with a faultless display and Abingdon in the Aircraft Recognition discipline and Website Competition. Overall the Thames Valley Team came a very close second in the overall competition where the cadets go head to head in Public Speaking, Photography, Public Speaking, Aviation Art and Banner Drill. Continue reading

Recognition for Thames Valley Staff

The Air Training Corps is an organisation supported by hundreds of volunteers in many capacities from Civilian Instructors, Uniformed staff to committee members. At the Thames Valley, Wing Activities Day three staff members from within the wing were presented with the ‘Commandant’s Commendation for Meritorious Service’ by OC Wing, Wg Cdr Fisher. These individuals were recognised for their support to the ATC mission ‘to facilitate a modern, dynamic, sustainable air-minded youth organisation of choice that offers fun and challenging opportunities’. Continue reading

Cadets On The Defence

Thames Valley Wing has, over the past few months, been running a series of ‘Self Defence and Conflict Management’ courses via TDSU that are available for cadets and staff; the most recent being on Saturday, 28th September. The courses are run by WO Miller of 1996 (Earley) Sqn who is a Master Level Self Defence Instructor with the Self Defence Federation, and his colleague WO Powditch of 2121 (Abingdon) Sqn. The courses are aimed at teaching cadets to 20131007_Cadets_On_The_Defence_submanage conflict in confrontational situations and basic self-defence actions in a controlled environment. Continue reading

211 (Newbury) WAD 2013 Champions

Each year cadets and staff from across Thames Valley wing gather at Wing HQ to take part in the various competitions that make up the wing activities day. With an early start for many squadrons cadets arrive ready to compete in a range of events show casing the skills they have learnt whilst being in the Air Training Corps. The event shows a high level of standards across all disciplines and this year was no exception across all the entries and levels of participation by the cadets.

With over 200 cadets at WAD 2013 squadrons took part in a range of events including the following: Aircraft Recognition, Aviation Art, Drill, Media Skills, Aero modelling, Photography, Public speaking and website entries. Continue reading

Remembering “The Few”

Each year many squadrons gather together to parade in remembrance of the ‘Battle of Britain’ which happened during the summer and autumn of 1940. It was the first major air campaign in which the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) sought to gain air superiority against the RAF (Royal Air Force). At the end of the campaign after the largest air attack on the 15th September, former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill summed up the efforts of Fighter Command with the now famous quote “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few“.

On the 3rd Sunday of September Air Cadets take part in parades across the United Kingdom and WO Rawlings, OC 2477 (Britwell) Squadron provides feedback on this year’s parade by 2477 and 459 (Windsor) squadrons. Continue reading