With an early start and a long journey, 12 cadets and 6 staff from the Thames Valley region set off for Scotland. Along the way there was a short but worthwhile stop to The Devils Porridge Museum, where the cadets were educated on the women who made the explosive ammunition for the war effort. The dressing up facilities probably intended for a much younger audience saw the cadets bonding quickly. Once we had arrived at the brilliant accommodation we were treated to a visit around 669 Sqn Army Air Corps for a look around the Lynx AH9A’s Helicopters. Continue reading
2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron
2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron parade twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday evening 19:00-21:30 hours. In addition we regularly met at weekends for activities such as flying, sport or camps.
The squadron is unusual, in that we are based on a very busy RAF station. This has enormous advantages to us; a large proportion of our staff are serving RAF personnel, we have access to facilities on station, and we have active aircraft close at hand!
We are a disciplined organisation, but that doesn't stop activities being fun and we even learn some useful skills!
Latest News for: 2267
Region Activities Day 2016

Early notice for activities at Region Activities Day 2016 have been announced. The Region Activities Day will affect what happens on Wing Activities Day. Continue reading
Finalists for Thrive Awards Announced

The finalists for the Thames Valley Wing Thrive Awards have now been announced. The Awards fall into the following categories and all nominations came from their peers.
Outstanding Civilian Instructor – The person who has made the most outstanding contribution over the past year.
Ambassador – The individual or team who through the virtue of hard work, character and representation have raised the profile of the ATC.
Valiant Volunteer – For consistent and extraordinary efforts in helping others, above and beyond the call of duty.
Unsung Hero – The individual whose contribution often goes unnoticed but without it their Squadron would fail to deliver the effect it achieves.
Top Team Award – awarded to the group (informal or formal) that has achieved the greatest positive impact. Continue reading
RAF St Mawgan Summer Camp 2015
A report by Sgt McAleese of 2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron.
We started our journey to RAF St Mawgan on the 18th July, trekking amongst the hills and scenery of Cornwall and surrounding areas. When we arrived we were shown our rooms, and got the chance to freshen for dinner. The meals were fantastic, and although the juice looked like something nuclear; it was still tasty. Continue reading
NACATC Windermere

October half term week saw 18 Cadets and 9 Staff travel from all over Thames Valley Wing (TVW) to the National Air Cadet Adventure Training Centre (NACATC), Windermere for a week of Adventure Training in the spectacular landscape of the Lake District.
The primary aim of the Centre is to provide facilities for cadets to participate in adventure training in terrain more demanding than that normally found in their local area. Taking full advantage of the facilities and equipment available from the centre, the TVW cadets were able to have a go at mountain walking, wild camping, canoeing, indoor wall climbing and outdoor rock climbing, orienteering, geocaching and mountain biking. Continue reading
Successful AT weekend made possible by squadron collaborations

The weekend of 17-19 Oct was a weekend for challenging yourself in the outdoors for cadets and staff from Thames Valley Wing and beyond. Thames Valley Wing Adventure Training Officer, Flt Lt Christlieb provides an insight to what goes on during an assessment weekend and the opportunities available to cadets and staff within the ATC. Continue reading
Finalists for Thrive Awards Announced

The finalists for the Thames Valley Wing Thrive Awards have now been announced. The Awards fall into the following categories and all nominations came from their peers.
Outstanding Individual – The person who has made the most outstanding contribution over the past year.
Ambassador – The individual or team who through the virtue of hard work, character and representation have raised the profile of the ATC.
Valiant Volunteer – For consistent and extraordinary efforts in helping others, above and beyond the call of duty.
Unsung Hero – The individual whose contribution often goes unnoticed but without it their Squadron would fail to deliver the effect it achieves.
Top Team Award – awarded to the group (informal or formal) that has achieved the greatest positive impact. Continue reading
2014 AT Camp at NACATC Llanbedr

23 Cadets and 11 Staff from Thames Valley Wing organised and attended the 2014 Wing AT Camp at NACATC Llanbedr at the end of May.
After some careful planning and paperwork the week started with a journey to North Wales on a coach, after settling into the camp and receiving various briefs the Cadets and Staff were split into 3 groups. We archived our aim of delivering a jammed packed and varied programme giving the Cadets a taster in each of the core AT activities. Continue reading
Brize Cadets Go Quackers

2267 (Brize Norton) Squadron recently helped their local RAFA branch by helping the people of the Cotswolds enjoy a fun-filled day of activities at this year’s Lechlade Duck Race on Bank Holiday Monday. More than 4,000 plastic ducks, sponsored by residents, visitors and businesses including Brize Norton squadron’s own duck named ‘Colin’, were released into the River Thames from the top of Halfpenny Bridge before travelling 250 metres downriver in a race to the finish line. Continue reading
First ATEx a Great Success

The Thames Valley Adventure Training Team organised a weekend of climbing, abseiling , kayaking, open canoeing, trekking, orienteering, camping skills and team building at Foxlease in the New Forest on a wet weekend in April.
Over the weekend Cadets from Brize Norton, Cowley, Woodley and Chipping Norton braved the very wet weather and took part in the activities above. As well as the activities we also covered some of the First Class training syllabus around Basic Map reading and Initial Expedition Training.
FS Chris Harding of Burghfield Squadron who organised the event said “Even with the constant rain for the whole weekend the Cadets and Staff stayed in high spirits and enjoyed a varied Adventure Training experience across the core activities mentioned in “Are You On Target?” . I’d like to extend my thanks to the ACO staff for transporting the Cadets and their assistance with organising and running all the activities.”